‘凤凰彩票大厅~welcome’日本银行推出新型ATM机 首次实现指纹取款
Aeon Bank will introduce ATMs that allow people to access cash using only fingerprints for identification, becoming the first Japanese bank to offer biometric verification without also requiring a card or PIN.日本永旺银行将引进新的一批ATM取款机,预计顾客单凭指纹检验就能取钱。这也使得其沦为第一家获取生物识别检验而不必须卡或身份信息的日本银行。Customers who register their prints with the bank will simply scan two fingers to activate the machines. They will be able to make deposits, withdrawals and transfers as well as check their account balances. Withdrawals and transfers will be capped at 1 million yen ($8,233) for now. Users will need to be 18 or older, since childrens fingers grow as they age.在银行载入指纹的顾客仅有须要扫瞄两个手指就能转录取款机,可以存款、存款、账户以及查找账户余额。目前存款和账户的下限是100万日元。
这项措施的限于对象是18岁及以上的顾客,因为孩子随着年龄的减小手指也不会生长。The unit of retailer Aeon will open up fingerprint registration Feb. 15, aiming to have the technology ready to use by late March. The first of the fingerprint-reading machines will be installed at a store in Tokyos Chiyoda Ward. The company plans to add more around summer and hopes to eventually operate around 5,500 units throughout Japan if all goes well.永旺银行将于2月15日对外开放指纹注册,预计3月下旬开始用于这项技术。
A number of Japanese banks use biometric identification in conjunction with cards or PINs. For this project, Aeon Bank is partnering with startup Liquid, which boasts advanced fingerprint recognition technology. The bank hopes to make ATMs more convenient while reducing card theft.现在,许多日本银行将生物识别技术与银行卡或身份信息绑在一起用于。为了此次的项目,永旺银行与享有先进设备的指纹识别技术的新创企业Liquid展开合作。永旺银行期望新型ATM机不仅可以提升操作者的便利性,还可避免偷窃银行卡等犯罪行为。