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这才叫智能电动车! 能变形还能横着开!:全民彩票一首页

发布时间:2024-12-07 06:45:04点击量:884
本文摘要:As cities continue to grow at a dizzying rate, commuters are constantly battling ever-increasing congestion on the roads and a lack of parking, just to get to work.随着城市于是以以难以置信的速度发展,通勤党们也更加被困于下班路上的交通堵塞以及停车位严重不足等问题。

As cities continue to grow at a dizzying rate, commuters are constantly battling ever-increasing congestion on the roads and a lack of parking, just to get to work.随着城市于是以以难以置信的速度发展,通勤党们也更加被困于下班路上的交通堵塞以及停车位严重不足等问题。But now a team of German engineers have come up with an ingenious solution -- a flexible electric vehicle capable of shrinking, driving sideways (think like a crab) and turning on a dime.但是现在德国一个工程师团队想到了精妙的解决办法——一种“灵活性的”电动汽车。它需要前端,需要横着进(就像螃蟹那样),还需要在大于的空间中弯道。

The EO Smart Connecting Car 2 is an innovative design from DFKI Robotics Innovation Center, based in Bremen, Germany, where a team of software developers and designers, as well as electronics and construction engineers, have been refining the smart micro car project for the last three years.这款EO Smart Connecting 2电动汽车是由德国不来梅机器人技术创新中心研发的,该团队由软件开发者、设计师、电子和结构工程师构成,他们最近三年都在改良这款智能微型车。First announced in 2012, the team have moved onto their second iteration of the vehicle.这款电动汽车首次公布于2012年,之后团队公布了它的近期版本。

It drives like a traditional car but because each wheel is powered by its own motor, it also has the capability of driving sideways, allowing it to slide into tight spaces in urban areas where parking is limited, explains Timo Birnschein, project manager for the vehicle.项目经理托莫·比尔施海因说明称之为,平时它就像传统汽车那样行经,但是因为四个轮子是由自有马达驱动的,所以它具备纵向行经的功能,这样就能在城市行驶空间受限的情况下滑进停车位。He adds: The whole process -- the transition between normal driving and driving sideways -- takes about four seconds.他补足说:“整个过程--从普通行经模式到纵向行经模式--只必须四秒钟。”The prototype has a top speed of 65 km/h and can travel 50 to 70 kilometers (30 to 44 miles) on a single four-hour full charge of the battery.这款电动汽车最低时速为65千米/每小时,单块电池在充满著电的情况下可以坚决四个小时,行经50-70公里。

But its the two-seaters ability to shrink to around 1.5 meters in length that has the team excited about its uses in future cities, says Birnschien.比尔施海因回应,这款两座车可以增大到1.5米左右,团队对其在未来城市的用途很期望。It is able to reduce its own size by about 80cm, which makes it almost as small as a bike in length. And with this kind of feature you can go into very tiny parking spaces, he says. You are still able to turn on the spot, you are still able to drive sideways and you are still able to connect to charging stations, for example.“它需要将自身的大小增大80厘米,这样就跟一架自行车一样大了。这个功能可以让你开入较小的停车位里。


